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Important Objective  

in the Public Interest!

It is most important for us to emphasise at this point, exactly why we have taken so much care and time in establishing these Internet pages!

There is clearly a larger public interest in the treatment of the male menopause with natural Estradiol and Progesterone than many people previously imagined. Publications in radio and television media, as well as in the press, in addition to the increasing number of male patients being treated in the private practice of Dr. Rimkus, are a clear testimony to the measure of this interest.

We would like to make a contribution to the propagation and dissemination of the thoughts, experiences and demonstrated success rate of Dr. Volker Rimkus, not only in order that we can draw physicians´ attention to these new treatment modalities, but also to help those men in need of therapy, and to provide at least some remedy to their suffering.

Dr. Volker Rimkus expresses quite clearly:

The detailed portrayal of the male menopause, including treatment modalities, costs of therapy, selection critieria, reports in the media, calendar of seminars etc. should not imply that all men in need of substitution therapy should come to me!

It is my greatest wish to emphasise that I would simply like to inform all suffering men of the treatment possibilities for the aches and pains that they have had to endure and deny for so long. I would like to give them some hope that they may finally have a means of liberating themselves from the many serious and inevitable changes accompanying the aging process. They should find the courage to personally come to terms with these ailments and so begin to search for a nearby physician who can offer them some help. This continuous demand for treatment alone should certainly provide physicians with some motivation to learn more about this new mode of treatment.

This brings me to the second part of my objective:

By means of a most detailed description of this new treatment principal, a catalogue of selection criteria and treatment options, as well as the announcement of lecture schedules on this subject, I would like to encourage as many physicians as possible to devote themselves to the discovery and treatment of the male menopause. I shall reveal my therapy concepts to the full, in order that my colleagues are able to comprehend them. I am more than willing to oblige by supporting my colleagues who are interested in familiarising themselves with this area, by means of training sessions and lectures as well as my expert advice. Hopefully there will soon be an increasing number of doctor´s practices where men suffering from such symptoms can be treated - regardless of the medical specialty of the practice.

Gradually one medical specialty will reveal itself over the years as the refuge for those men suffering from symptoms, and where they can be sure of feeling at ease. Spurred on by my own positive experiences with estrogen and progesterone substitution, I am a firm believer in this method, as long as it remains true to the basic concepts as described in the following pages.

I am grateful for any feedback regarding successes or problems alike. Naturally, I am open to any objective and reasonable debate on the issue, and I would be delighted to learn of any enhancements to the treatment modality with Estradiol and Progesterone. In particular, I am interested in improvements to the measurement of the extremely low serum concentrations found in men, in order that we can more accurately compare between laboratories.

I am completely aware of the fact that, in addition to myself, other physicians are also working rather successfully on this subject. Perhaps we can forge links among ourselves, and so bring the practices, clinics and research centres into the public eye, which already are in a position to offer men therapy alternatives, based on solid experience.

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