Logo   Dr. med. Volker Rimkus Flagge-Deutsch
Selection Criteria  

Climacterium Virile

Selection criteria for your patient to be treated with
Estradiol and Progesterone.

1. The patientīs age is not of any consequence.
Although there does appear to be a linear correlation
between age and symptomology.

2. The nature of presented symptoms is of utmost importance!


A plethora of somatic and physiological ailments can
intermingle with the apparent climacteric symptoms!

3. A critical factor for diagnosis is first and foremost
the pathological serum Estradiol and Progesterone level (E2).

E2: 30 - 60 pg / ml
Progesteron: 3 - 10 ng / ml

The evidence that a patient is indeed suffering from climacteric complaints is,
in the final analysis, provided by the alleviation of symptoms (clear improvement)
following the introduction of treatment with Estradiol and/or Progesterone.

Generally three months therapy should suffice, in order to detect a clear improvement.

(supported by evidence of restored optimal serum levels).

  © IKE 2025